What days of the week and times of day are you available for mentorship sessions? *
Your rate (30-minute session)
How much do you want to charge for 30 minute 1-on-1 mentorship sessions?
Your rate (1 hour session)
How much do you want to charge for 1 hour 1-on-1 mentorship sessions?
Note: A guide for fixing your rate
We conducted a survey on how much people are willing to pay for a 30 minutes mentorship session for the different levels of job grades and below are the outcomes:
For a CEO/GM/Business owner:
16% of respondents are willing to pay >N100,000;
28% willing to pay are between N80,000 - N100,000; and
16% are willing to pay between N45,000 - N80,000.
For a senior level manager / Director:
24% of the respondents are willing to pay between N30,000 - N45,000;
22% are willing to pay between N45,000 - N60,000; and
22% are willing to pay between N20,000 - N30,000
For a first level manager:
44% of respondents are willing to pay between N10,000 - N20,000; and
24% are willing to pay between N20,000 - N30,000.